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Revise the abstract to follow APA style guidelines and ensure that it falls within the word count range of 400 to 500 words.

2 사례

2020년 출간된 논문(이광춘, 2020)의 한글 초록을 chatGPT와 DeepL을 사용하여 논문제작에 활용해보자.

알파고가 2016년 바둑 인간 챔피언 이세돌 9단을 현격한 기량차이로 격파하면서 인공지능에 대한 관심이 급격히 증가하였다. 그와 동시에 기계가 인간의 일자리 잠식을 가속화하면서 막연한 불안감이 삽시간에 전파되었다. 기계와의 일자리 경쟁은 컴퓨터의 출현이전부터 시작되었지만 인간만의 고유한 영역으로 알고 있던 인지, 창작 등 다양한 분야에서 오히려 인간보다 더 우수한 성능과 저렴한 가격 경쟁력을 보여주면서 기존 인간의 일자리가 기계에 대체되는 것이 가시권에 들었다. 이번 문헌조사와 실증 데이터 분석을 통해서 기계가 인간의 일자리를 대체하는 자동화의 본질에 대해서 살펴보고, 인간과 기계의 업무 분장을 통해 더 생산성을 높일 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

Machines have been used simply for arithmetic operations and documentation. However, with the development of technology, a new generation of artificial intelligence has begun. Machines are not just tools that can be calculated, but they have been commercialized in various fields, such as natural language processing technology that can understand and communicate human language, or video fields, where human dependence was high. Since 2016, the AI game, “Alphago,” has defeated Lee Se-dol with a significant difference in skill, interest in AI has increased sharply. Machines have started to replace human jobs because of their excellent performance, low cost and competitive edge. In this paper, I would like to present a plan on how to use artificial intelligence to affect human jobs and how to improve productivity effectively by cooperating with machines and humans in the future.

Interest in artificial intelligence skyrocketed in 2016 when AlphaGo defeated human Go champion Lee Sedol 9 by a stunning margin. At the same time, a vague sense of anxiety was quickly spread as machines accelerated the erosion of human jobs. Although the competition for jobs with machines began before the advent of computers, the replacement of existing human jobs by machines became visible as machines showed better performance and lower price competitiveness than humans in various fields such as cognition and creation, which were thought to be unique to humans. Through this literature review and empirical data analysis, we examine the nature of automation in which machines replace human jobs. and suggest ways to increase productivity through the division of labor between humans and machines.

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Revise the abstract to follow APA style guidelines and ensure that it falls within the word count range of 400 to 500 words.

Interest in artificial intelligence skyrocketed in 2016 when AlphaGo defeated human Go champion Lee Sedol 9 by a stunning margin. At the same time, a vague sense of anxiety was quickly spread as machines accelerated the erosion of human jobs. Although the competition for jobs with machines began before the advent of computers, the replacement of existing human jobs by machines became visible as machines showed better performance and lower price competitiveness than humans in various fields such as cognition and creation, which were thought to be unique to humans. Through this literature review and empirical data analysis, we examine the nature of automation in which machines replace human jobs. and suggest ways to increase productivity through the division of labor between humans and machines.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered significant attention since 2016 when AlphaGo, an AI program, defeated the human Go champion Lee Sedol. However, the growing use of machines in various fields has also fueled concerns about the displacement of human jobs. This paper presents a literature review and empirical data analysis to explore the nature of automation and suggest ways to enhance productivity by optimizing the division of labor between humans and machines.

While machines have been replacing human jobs for centuries, the rapid development of AI has made it possible for machines to outperform humans in fields previously considered uniquely human, such as cognition and creation. As a result, there is a growing awareness of the impact of automation on employment opportunities. This paper aims to provide insights into this issue through a comprehensive review of relevant literature and analysis of empirical data.

Our analysis indicates that automation can lead to the displacement of jobs that require low-level skills, but it can also create new opportunities that require higher-level skills. Furthermore, automation can enhance productivity and lower costs, thus benefiting both consumers and firms. Therefore, there is a need to strike a balance between the potential benefits and challenges of automation.

To maximize the advantages of automation, we propose an optimal division of labor between humans and machines. In this approach, humans are responsible for tasks that require creativity, emotional intelligence, and social skills, while machines are responsible for tasks that require precision and efficiency. This approach can lead to better job quality and increased productivity.

In conclusion, this paper highlights the potential impact of automation on employment and the need to optimize the division of labor between humans and machines. While automation can lead to job displacement, it can also create new opportunities and improve job quality. Therefore, policymakers and firms must consider ways to optimize the use of automation to benefit both society and the economy.


이광춘주용우. (2020). 사람과 인공지능의 일자리 경쟁 요인과 협업 방안. 디지털경영연구 Vol.6 No.2 pp.39-50.