- Defining and solving problems
- Quantifying performance indicators - Stats and Probability for Data Science
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- Python 기초 문법 복습 및 NumPy, Pandas 등 연습
- Kaggle: MPG / Titanic EDA 개념과 Data science 전체흐름 습득 - EDA, Feature engineering, Visualization, Correlating 등 preprocessing 작업 - Model, predict and evaluation 의 전체 과정을 습득
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Regression and Prediction
- Regression에 대한 개념 및 이론 설명
Breast Cancer, California housing prices, Bike-sharing
Regression and Prediction
- EDA 및 preprocessing
- Linear Regression 중심, CART, SVM, Ensemble기법 적용 - Training & Evaluation (MSE, MAE, RMSE, RMSLE, R-Squared, etc.) - Basic hyperparameter tuning 수행
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Classification and Hypothesis Testing
- Classification과 필요 개념 및 이론 설명
Titanic, Iris, Penuins, San Francisco Crime
Classification and Hypothesis Testing
- Logistic Regression과 Decision Tree, SVC, Random Forest, XGBoost, LGBM 등 적용
- Training & Evaluation / Basic hyperparameter tuning 수행
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Case Studies and Projects
- 기존 수업 이론/실습 개념 바탕 Case Study 3종 (+Final Quiz)
- Case Study 및 Final Quiz 해설 - 개인 별 Project 인터뷰 및 Grouping / 공통과제 선정 - Project 진행, 발표, Best Project 선정 및 공유
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